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5/13 Malfunction working group/CIL presentation [JSC]
(schedule Thompson, Cohen presentation in late summer)
•coarse/vernier switch is labelled
•qual model MCIU was subjected to "qual level" tests,
though not the certification tests themselves, before RPAT
-> •backup PL release switch should be guarded
✓- SES model (Legendre) - we should attach the math
model, developed by math model working group
(not the CAE program specs - where problems were identified formally). This can by "xeroxed"
by Liz Baines, Charlie Gott, etc., or officially handed over by Jon Brown.
✓- SMS: give notes, & some history, to Jim Saultz
 (he may be "appointed" by Kranz to head an effort
RPAT - DR to fix consistency check will be implemented by IBM. Time required - 2 1/2 wks + 1 wk on rig (to test).
Agreement: IBM will code, get rig 1st week of June, & malfunction portion of testing can continue until 6/20/80 (MCIU can stay til then)
• reliability of switches? RI has checked theirs. SPAR lists theirs as low (?) probability. Is this consistent?