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- SMS: [[circled]]1[[/circled]] RJD location
[[circled]]2[[/circled]] A14 panel cover

-attitude 3-axis ball in SES?
(or JPL end-effector
[PYR sequence: set y first]

[[underlined checkmark]] talk to Dale Moore about 
[[circled]]1[[/circled]] flight rules
[[circled]]2[[/circled]] malf procedures
•coordination with CG
•orbiter malfs
•jettison procedures
[[underlined checkmark]] PJ: SMS for "on-orbit"types?
[[underlined checkmark]]MDF (FVR130) come up with data sheets
(like those used in [[capital phi]]5)

- PFTA release (MPAD study on dynamics) 
(suggest to Ted, Scott)

LDB traffic:
 [[circled]]1[[/circled]] DBIA unless MEC's are switched off
[[circled]]2[[/circled]] overlays (memory config), if ITEM II on DPS UTILITY is selected (if overlay exists in another GPC,...not if it goes out to MMV)
[[circled]]3[[/circled]] spec's are [[double underline]]not[[/double underline]] rolled in over LDB.