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(1) MALF RUNS (loaded & unloaded, c/v, single & manual & auto)
(a) loss of tacho
(b) JPC failure
(c) not output of tech (< cmd)
(d) tach>cmd
(e) encoder failure (check manual & auto)
(f) sluggish joint (& continue ops)
(g) off-nominal parameters (to ↑ time)
(h) put one malf in during capture/rigidization
(2) one malf when proceeding with encoder error


(a) uncradle/cradle (nominal & off-nominal)
(b) deploy payload (nominal & off-nominal)
(c) track & capture - "several"
• nominal
• rotating PL
• mean singularity
(d) auto through singularity
(e) retrieval/berth
(f) some common validation (STS-2) runs