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✓ SMS/RMS: have the fake flex movie & SES movie for the mtg on Tuedsay morning
✓ malfs for SMS
∆Φ5 to CA: 
Kumar - 3 wks
Ehlers - 1 wk (1st wk of data)
Resnick - 2-3 days
Ride/Fabian - 1.5 wks each
[CF "piggy-back" console work]


∙┌MCIU droput┐ 1/602 1300 Tues
 └CR review  ┘
Mn ∙ overlay mtg on 8/5
Mn ∙ MPM/guide markings mtg Tues 1300
JR ∙ ∆Φ5 telecon Wednesday
Mn CCP: MPM stiffness tests: go back to Ku band stiffness tests (go to next CCP)
SPAS-01: attitude control system (they don't want to mod)
D&C panel during vibration - rate meter went--> 0
JRB will probably be scheduled for end of Aug
Turner (SPAR) to KSC 8/1