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(2) offset - must be determined in MDF, &
a system designed such that placement error  .5" deduction of capture envelope (what's a reasonable deformation?)

=> questions:
RCA/FOD (1) what's thickness of monitor glass & distance from monitor frame to glass (to get parallax)?

MDF/FOD (2) how accurately can physical overlay be aligned on-orbit?

RCA (3) what is equipments' possible thermal or mechanical deformation? (base or body 
relative to EE)

→ (note, for example, if d = .3" ε = .2"
phi = 30° theta = 2°
→ Δ = {±1" (←affect training) ±7"}

 → NOTE (3) can be applied to "flexibility" problems: an end effector "flex" or "overshoot" of 4" takes you out of the envelope

[[left margin]] What are amplitudes of fake flex oscillations[[/left margin]]

Transcription Notes:
numbers in curly brackets are below each other in curly brackets in original.