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1. called JSC about
- strip charts
- parameters

2. repeat singularity runs--once to demonstrate loading, once to demonstrate operators' ability to detect singularity light + pull arm away

3. runs 1+4 = 1 operator will perform these with max vol payload (other 2 will use 12'8" x 59')..
note: groundrules on malfs w/ max vol PL in bay. (They'll use collision detections for 12'8" x 59') --> [circle] add [/circle] 2[[~]] total runs: one run "1" + one run "4" with 15' x 60' PL to [[+/or]] from "PIDA" location... these will be [underline] new [/underline] runs ("11" + "12")

4. malf procedures: diagnose malf, then re-initialize without malf --> no post-malf procedures

[[Mn]] 5. note = new capture envelope (tell Ron)

6. have keel camera (need to request this)--can request any camera combination (could get 2 alt cameras)

SPEC 94 = [up arrow]22
     96 = [up arrow]23