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National Research Council   Conseil national de 
Canada                      recherches Canada

National Aeronautical       Établissement aeronautique
Establishment               national

Ottawa, Canada              Ottawa, Canada
K1A 0R6                     K1A 0R6

Reply Attn: 82/112

20 April 1982


Dr. S. Ride
Code CB, Building 4
NASA Johnson Space Center 
HOUSTON, Texas. 77058

Dear Sally:

Subject: Lucky Seven

Congratulations! The national news this morning informed us that you have been selected as the first female to fly on the Space Shuttle. We are all delighted that such a wise choice has been made. The news did not specifically state that you would operate the RMS for the SPAS 01 deploy/retrieval but, since you are so well qualified for the job, we assume that this will be one of your primary tasks. The present flight manifest for STS-& indicated that it will be an ambitious mission which will give you every opportunity to utilize all the knowledge that you have gathered over the years. We all believe that, as the first American lady in space, you will do an admirable job with the many demands made on you both during and after the mission.
For NRCC, the additional flight verification of the RMS which will be provided during this mission will be of considerable interest.
Once again, congratulations. The NRCC is behind you.
Yours sincerely
J.A. Hunter
K.H. Doetsch
G.M. Lindberg
B.A. Aikenhead
E.St.C. Gantz


Transcription Notes:
Accent marks in heading not transcribed