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a. TCDT is an important part of preflight training for both the crew and the LCC controllers and should be retained in the flow for each flight. 

b. The pad abort was beneficial in that the KSC procedures and controller training have improved as a result. 


a. The mission rule on launching with no APU EGT sensors on an APU should be reconsidered. 
b. APU fuel loading should be full when margins do not dictate otherwise. 
c. The new MPS/HYD gauges are virtually unreadable and should be replaced as soon as suitable gauges can be found. The reduction in crew capability must be recognized by ground controllers
d. The second-stage ride had more vibration than reported on Columbia and Challenger
e. It became dramatically more difficult to see and reach the switches on panels 07 and 08 at greater than two-g's. 

a. Mobility adaptation in zero-g is slow and should be accounted for post-insertion division of responsibilities.
b. WCCU'S were not required nor used. The speaker/microphone system was utilized from post-insertion to deorbit. 

a. The speaker feedback squeal between decks should be eliminated. 
b. More foot loops should be installed preflight.
c. Discovery seems to be quieter than other Orbiters. 
d. The EZ CAP concept of a two-column page, one for Orbiter and one for payload, worked well and is recommended for all future CAP's.