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a. The vertical tail first bending mode structural excitation due to yaw jet firing seems more pronounced in Discovery than in Columbia.
b. The Orbiter veered to the right after nosewheel touchdown due to a flat MLG strut.
c. Rudder steering was very effective in keeping the Orbiter straight on the runway.
d. If braking pressure was increased the deceleration pulsed as if the braking was intermittent.
e.  A small pitch rate oscillation was noted at slapdown initiation. The slapdown FCS should be desensitized.

a.  The SMS was an outstanding training tool for most systems, however, the following improvements should be made.
(1) Fix the MPS model ASAP.
(2) Consider 100 [[degree]] tilt for liftoff.
(3) Degain the ET Sep bang (MB).
(4) Fix the ET door model.

b. The STA is mandatory for Shuttle operations success.
c. The KC-135 heavy aircraft training is an excellent adjunct to the CDR and PLT training and should be continued.
d. A nominal post-insertion standalone simulation should be scheduled shortly before flight.
e. Both T-38 and STA familiarization flights should be included in the syllabus for the PS training.