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reach limits may have been successful if the initial tracking had been made with coarse rates and if some preflight training had been accomplished with the Solar Maximum Satellite rates that were experienced. At the conclusion of the day-3 attempts, the Mission Control Center (MCC) noted that the forward manipulator positioning mechanism had lost its deployed indications. Both indicators went immediately to their deployed indication when power was applied to the motors. 

On day 5, the rotating grapple was successful and was essentially nominal except that the Orbiter was held in an inertial attitude about 20 degrees before sunset (instead of at sunset) to avoid having the crew to stare directly into the sun. The Solar Maximum Satellite was then about 20 degrees off the Orbiter's -Z axis, toward the nose. The resulting clearance between the RMS and the solar arrays was comfortable. For the rotating grapple, the realignment of the end effector to the Solar Maximum Satellite was done as the grapple fixture came past the Orbiter's nose and the capture was made about 40 degrees later. No unwanted dynamics were observed during the track-and-capture. Rigidization was nominal and no dynamics were obvious as the Solar Maximum Satellite rotation of 0.5 degrees per second was stopped. 

The Solar Maximum Satellite berthing was done using the B and C cameras as well as binoculars. As the Solar Maximum Satellite was lowered from about 2 feet over the FSS, attitude errors in roll, pitch, and yaw developed and were corrected. The first attempt to berth resulted in constrained motion near latch number I before the pin was fully seated. The error appeared to be mostly in yaw. The Solar Maximum Satellite was raised several inches, retrimmed, and seated in the bottom of the berthing latches without any constrained motion. The TEST mode was selected prior to releasing the Solar Maximum Satellite, but some constrained force was obviously relieved as the end effector derigidized.

The Manipulator Foot Restraint (MFR) operations on day 6 were entirely nominal. The RMS was easily positioned and provided an excellent work platform. At no time could either the RMS operator or the EVA crewman detect any joint slippage. Both the ORB UNLOADED and PAYLOAD modes were used. The coarse rates were comfortable for even small adjustments. It would have been helpful to maneuver at higher rates at times, especially about the rotating axes. The MFR rates should be increased for future applications (R). 

The Solar Maximum Satellite was deployed on day 7 with essentially nominal RMS procedures. The Z position for release was lowered from -867 to -630 to avoid plume impingement from the NORM Z digital auto pilot (DAP) configuration that was selected to conserve forward reaction control system (FRCS) propellant. The END EFFECTOR mode was entered and the Orbiter was placed in free drift about 2 minutes before the release. The first few inches of RMS motion after release were done with vernier rates and a minimum translational hand controller (THC) input. The release was nominal and a slight, positive Solar Maximum Satellite roll of less than 0.1 degrees per second was apparent from the wrist camera. 

After Solar Maximum Satellite was deployed, the RMS was used to survey the OMS pods and a water dump. The OMS pods were surveyed during a night pass and the RMS spotlight provided adequate lighting. The water dump survey was done first with the elbow camera, when with the wrist camera. The elbow camera view (color wide angle) of the nozzle was adequate but did not show the ice particles. The wrist camera provided a better view and did show the ice particles. Care was taken to select the sequence of joints in moving between the two configurations to avoid