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Food System And Galley

Q. The galley used incorporated extensive door modifications for convenience and accessibility. Request comments on usage of galley.

Request comments on food selection, food preparation.

A. The galley modifications are good. New features worked well.

Also, the Personal Hygiene Station was used for wash rags, washing tooth brushes, etc. It was not used as a wash station, however. There were no specific comments on the food.
Unimark Pens

Q. These were added. How did they work?

A. They worked well. Their usage advocated.

Photography → ARRI fish-eye out of focus

Q. Request crew comments relative to usage, adequacy, accessibility, etc. of 16mm, 35mm, 70mm cameras, lens, film, film bags, brackets.
The multi-use mounting brackets were fixed to stay in place and to work better. Any comments?

A. The crew liked all of the equipment. the Linhof is large - hard to find a place for it. Velcro was a problem.

One magazine (LINHOF) malfunctioned or appeared to.

One multi-use mounting bracket didn't work.

There was no problem with Arriflex.

Recommend laying out all photo gear for a review of velcro adequacy.


Q. The safety tether with lower constant tension force was stowed for inflight evaluation. Please comment on peocedure [[procedure]] and results.

A. There was a very positive pull force whether 2' or 6' or the whole tether was used. It would all come back in a couple of seconds. You can lock and stop the pull. On a two handed task, it would pull C. G. off of setting and cause reorientation - could be more bothersome.

There was only one tether for evaluation. But the new tether did work best. Buchli recommends that we stay with the smaller pull force. The new item is better. A more convenient lock is recommended because you always get a pull unless you are in lock.