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6 FEB (SAT / J3C [[?]])

[bullet point] get photo briefing by Charlie Stevenson ^KSC
[bullet point] working groups are gathering wx profiles of 51 L + previous flights, including temp, wind data,+ 1R profiles of SRB's (takes 5 readings to [[?]] map T)
[bullet point] look into procedures on devs (A^2)
[bullet point] need some assurance of "immunity" for the working troops
[bullet point] ST3 [[?]]-9 destacking showed H2O in joint
[bullet point] AA pilot reported very high winds at time of launch (on record)
[bullet point] NASA had no accident investigation plan
[bullet point] review RSO procedures

Transcription Notes:
KSC after Stevenson (toward top) in superscript. I didn't know how to transcribe that 2 in A2 (about halfway down) is superscript 2nd transcriber believes "J3C" to be "JSC" and "ST3" to be "STS"