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A2 - OV102: gap between 07/08 not closed out. KSC won't do anything but "routine turnaround" without engineering support/approval from level II.
No drawings for -102 after mod!! (RI just stopped work when turned off.. pre - 61C problems understanding config.)

B+11: Navy has safety "watchdog" group that is independent of squadron + can report directly to CO -  look for "indicators," trends, QC laxness, etc. (NASA could set this up)

A2 - (from Corey) an I-load wrong on 51 L! (I-load to impose bias on SRB nozzle gimbal and @ L/O to keep it from hitting hold-down post). Not a late change, just not caught by auto pqm [[?]].
(from Carloon 2 @ KSC - ask about detaching before 513-9)

Transcription Notes:
Second transcriber believes "pqm" to actually be "pgm" or "pgrm"