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pressure to get CB to reduce wx minima (to 4000' now).

•KSC is bad for nominal EOM: wx is unpredictable, tires/brakes are marginal, runway isn't great (chews up tires, moat surrounding it)

•FRCS dump capability on RTLS/TAL 
(may still have some in tanks/lines after dump)

•Examples of schedule pressures:
① 51 I wx
② 61 C L-1 review of TAL sites, & last minute try to reduce minima
③ 61 A: RCS reg lock-up launch time determined by German TV
④ 51 E LH[[subscript]]2[[/subscript]] leak (TDRS blinked 1st)
⑤ 51 L: 2 used tires, KSC ldg sched (61C had locked up @ 34x10000 ft-lb...not time to analyze data)
⑥ optomize ascent trajectory (over TAL site)