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12 Mar (JSC)

SR+QA (under NASA "chief engineer")
 - safety, R+QA has unimpeded access
to director at JSC; not [[underline]] at
MSFC (R+QA is under engineering)
[KSC: QA under each area: shuttle ops, eng, dsv, payloads]
 - Gil Rotle HQ: Aerospace Advisory Panel
Liason (Cong. "mandate") [coming 
to JSC early April] --> report made
to adminstrator
 - copy of the report of Aero.Adv.Pnl.

McCarty- level II SR+QA
! - O-ring CIL never went to PRCB-
pre-board only, + signed out of board....
sent out to "evaluators"-"no negative
- comments" - get records of evaluators,
signatures, etc. (was this technically [[underline]] reviewed by anyone at JSC....? who's qualified?)

 - system has nothing built in to it to 
ensure CRIT 1 items are field inspected