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1984 DOD: SDI research project.
Problems (1) technical feasibility
         (2) strategic desirability
near term questions: what kind of BMD 
research should US conduct, how will this affect current offensive force planning &
diplomacy. Long-term : can BMD be deployed,
should it be. 
Goal of SDI ("Report to Congress on SDI, 1985) does not appear to be complete shield for US & allies. 


US ABM: Safeguard ABM system (Grand Forks, ND) - refined radar data, track ICBM RV's,  fire Sprint & Spartan interceptors. Allowed
by ABM treaty; US (Nixon/Ford) decided
capabilities didnt justify cost, & deactivated it in 1976.

Homing Overlay Experiment - modified Minuteman
launched from Kwajalein, with homing device 
to intercept ICBM (impact achieved).