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the cursors on a computer screen.

(1) phone call from Graham (Sat)/Sun after accident. Lynn & Larry were overheard my half of conversation. Went to Cleveland Sun night for service on Mon (2 Feb), & reported for 1st mtg (straight to Wash DC)
(2) Sworn in 6FEB. 1st mtg (4 Feb?) was not a "meeting", but a "session & get acquainted", since we couldn't officially meet until after swearing-in. Get together was held in Rogers' law offices
1st impression of Armstrong - wearing a slightly baggy, slightly "hick" suit - color of bale of hay & alfalfa, & a little paunchy, lit a cigarette, & tripped (stumbled) coming down steps into conference room
(3) 1st hearing was an open hearing ... Rogers asked "what does STS stand for" (it was in the Nat'l Acad of Sci bldg)