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Norm Terrell (AA for Policy)  - responsible for managing NASA's response to OSTP.  Involved in response to Paine Comm. report (recommends Bekey - detailed informally to him for ~ 2 yrs). 1. Wants to use that as a "hook" to define NASA's Near term goals & requirements to "retain pre-eminence in space". 2 Wants to bring to a head dispute w/OMB (get president to decide) 3. Knows about and supports Hinner's group 4. doesn't think much of Cohen's "Long Range Plans" 
• met w/AIAA on their workshop report (they plan to go to OMB, NSC, Congress)

Tommy Newman - Comptroller - expect call from Mal Peterson on NASA new start(ideas for invigorating program)

[[2 columns]]
[[Left column]]
global strategy
(ox-gored) [?]
[[/Left column]]
[[Right column]] 
near-team goals
current: w/shuttle and station, can't run separate pgms
[[/Right column]]