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{underscore]] Crater(Boeing: subsys mgr + 2 CA + 2 HOU)

Crater used post-flt several times
   -87(latest) → led to foam change
     Ray Gomez →
Input = Dimensions of debris
         Traj ([[technical symbols]])

Used on SRB impact?(go back to analyze what crater would say about SRB impact → if on orbiter)

1999 SWRI testing done in response to 1987 debris
 damage "area" just

Test data for RCC [[?]] eq'ns

re-entry - heating ~ [[v3]] [[symbol]]
           Ballistic coeff = [[Beta]]
             low Beta ~tile ~[[illegible]]
            → rapid decel[[?]]
              heat spike
[[left margin]]
Bill Ailor, Aerospace (Dir of Ctr for Orb + Debris rentry studies)
[[left margin]]

  (What's ballistic coeff of crew cabin?)
no to = ET breakup
    42 nmz = magic break-up # (indep of[[symbol]])

obj. survivabilitly: material+shape/size/[?]

★ Al never found; titanium is
  if piece survives [[symbol]] 100K ft, it will make it to gnd (heating is over)