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RI → NASA ('91)→ MER MGR from 91 → present,[Except 14 mo 98/99]
[[circled]]LEAD[[/circled]] MER MGR - 107 
ENG SUPPORT → SS Vehicle eng office [Boeing]
MER tag-up before MMT'S
7am    8am   (NASA Eng attends)
on-orbit: "on call" [ KEN BROWN (since '91)
all Boeing local    [ DAVID MOYER (new)
[[down  right arrow from Boeing]] lost experience? [ check w/ subsystems]
(Mike Dunham ⇒ Boeing run crater) Who made presentation to MER
Other tools?
[initiated by Lambert Austin]
SYS INT ⇒ debris xport}Lambert Austin
video anal ⇒} Bob Page (photo/TV) feed to Crater, etc
[[left margin]]
L+4 day launch image report
[[/left margin]]
2nd MER tag-up (21st) ⇒ status rcv'd 1st formal rpt @ 3rd MER tag-up on 24th "SRO" in conf rm ⇒ 5 yo int & orbiter ⇒ damage & thermal
(debris xport)
(& size & ρ)
[[left margin]]
⋆ Loren (at 3rd MER tag-up)
[[/left margin]]
"Crater tends to overpredict" but debris size will o
went back to Crater folks STS-50 to determine scalability
⋆Crater only tool used for tile damage
→ No discussion about other than foam (No analysis run on RCC)