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Table of Contents

I. Introductory Remarks..................................................1
   A. The Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel................................1
   B. ASAP Observations about NASA Accomplishments in 2008...............1

II. Critical Issues......................................................2
    A. Proposed Extension of the Space Shuttle Program...................2
    B. Safety and Reliability of Soyuz...................................3
    C. Direction of Exploration..........................................4
    D. Safety Improvements...............................................5
    E. Funding Consistent with Tasks and Schedules.......................6
    F. Stability of Agency Management Approach...........................7
    G. Workforce Development and Sustainment.............................8
    H. NASA Culture That Values SMA Experience...........................9
    I. Technical Standards Program Focused on Safety and Risk...........10
    J. Standing Issues..................................................11

III. Conclusion.........................................................11

Appendix 1: Summary and Status of ASAP 2008 Recommendations.............13

Appendix 2: Michael D. Griffin Response to ASAP Questions for NASA Transition..............................................................19

Appendix 3: Christopher J. Scolese Response to ASAP Questions...........25

CD Table of Contents
  Attachment 1: Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel Members and Staff
  Attachment 2: ASAP 2008 Recommendations, NASA Responses, and Status
  Attachment 3: 2008 Activities of the Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel
  Attachment 4: ASAP 2008 Quarterly Meeting Minutes
  Attachment 5: Charter of the Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel
  Attachment 6: John Casper, Associate Manager, Space Shuttle Program, "NASA Status of RTF Task Group 'CAIB Intent not Met' CAIB Recommendations," Presentation to the ASAP, July 16, 2008

Annual Report for 2008