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C J Scolese Response to ASAP Questions

budgeting and distribution of resources, management of programs and projects, and the flow down of oversight. One result of this integrated focus on acquisition should be fewer surprises and fewer instances where resource shortages can lead to poor decisions with safety implications.

ii. Innovative utilization of ISS as a platform for advanced observations of Earth and the Universe via revolutionary technologies (an NMP-like program for ISS utilization)

iii. Leveraging the success of the Mars Exploration Program (MER's, MRO, etc.) to motivate the need for humans beyond LEO and to enable a sustained robotic presence at Mars for the purpose of understanding life's possibilities within the accessible Universe (the past 4 years have seen a large downturn in the MEP)

b.Leveraging commonalities across NASA

i. Encouragement of new IT solutions to enhance our robotic and human space flight capabilities (initially in test-beds) such as common design tools, product development software, and analytical tools.

ii. Firm embrace of optical telecommunication first for science and as a part of our evolving human exploration initiatives (Orion, Altair)

iii. Creative use of commercial Earth remote sensing capabilities to enhance NASA Earth Climate science research (and model development), including hyper-resolution platforms such as GeoEye-1 and Radarsat-2

iv. Utilization of ongoing mission measurement results (i.e., from EOS, HST, Spitzer, Mars program, Cassini, Dawn, MESSENGER, and even ISS) to minimize duplication of activities.

v. Revitalize the Aeronautics program consistent with the strategic plan, both to directly serve the aeronautics community and provide the research and technical base for the spaceflight community entry, descent and landing systems.

c. Leveraging the commercial and international capabilities that are being developed to allow NASA to focus on the more difficult ground breaking technologies and missions.

i. Commercial crew and cargo opportunities for the ISS

ii.Commercial remote sensing satellites

iii. Increased cooperation with international partners for science and exploration

4. What was harder than you expected?

a. Some program and project personnel do not support the use of independent assessments, and the attendant checks and balances. Without continual reinforcement from Agency, Center, and Program leadership these groups would tend to abandon these processes. The mid-level project management types are still too prone to just go to a contractor, and in all too many cases see institutional Engineering and S&MA as more baggage than resource.

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