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C J Scolese Response to ASAP Questions

attitude and a much more widespread "why are we safe and how do we know" attitude. It is critical that this not be perturbed, especially as we get to the last few flights. It is inevitable that there will be brain drain as good people get permanent offers elsewhere and we will need everyone on their toes.

b. Re-establish NASA-wide research for science, human exploration, robotic exploration, aeronautics, and technologies that have breakthrough potential managed through oversight boards representative of the respective community, for example:

   i. higher TRL reviewed and selected by program and project management

   ii. lower TRL peer reviewed in the broad scientific and technological community

   iii. innovation through partnership with venture capital

c. Reinvigorate a program of ambitious measurements of our home planet Earth, starting with a new class of Earth Explorer missions relevant to Climate, Hazards, and sustainability of human resources (and potentially related to energy policy). This must be done in collaboration with NOAA, USGS, and other Agencies.

d. Complete and utilize the ISS to its fullest potential and continue to develop innovative mechanisms for funding research with our partners and fellow agencies.

e. Encourage and utilize commercial capabilities and innovative markets to expand the exploration of space and reduce Agency overhead.

8. Who are the dozen people most essential to retain?
a. Key personnel: First, overarching comment - I cannot name a single person in the senior leadership cadre who is not contributing solidly, either at HQ or the Centers. They work well together and bring a good balance of implementing NASA's goals and taking care of their immediate responsibility. 

9. How was the ASAP helped you?
a. Ensured we kept our eye on the ball.
b. After the Columbia accident, the ASAP was very supportive of the CAIB recommendations, including the setting up of the SMA pool for funding independent of the programs and the structural independence of the SMA organization. This approach also supported the implementation of Technical Authority independent of the program/project
c. ASAP has consistently challenged us to centralize best practices into agency standards, and even when we disagreed, the debate has always been helpful.
d. ASAP has been very helpful to us as we develop better agency approaches to fall protection and drug and alcohol testing.
e. Ideally the ASAP can provide perspective and feedback to the present-leaders of NASA at a time of change (and obvious political transition).
f. The ASAP process could help stabilize transitions and retain expertise so that loss of continuity is not an issue.

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