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as a true test bed for these Mars exploration systems, flights to the Moon will be conducted. The Moon is not a conceptual test bed for Mars, but an actual test bed for Mars. Since all recent Mars design reference missions call for extended sorties, this would be surface exploration mode on the Moon as well. From an international perspective, the US would be a clear leader in this program. Commercial participation would be enhancing, probably be limited to activities such as launch to LEO. The human exploration of the Moon and Mars would be complementary to the ongoing robotic exploration, and synergies would be exploited, but not fundamentally drive the program. A sequence of development will be: (to be completed)

Mars First is, as the name implies, a plan to exclusively pursue human exploration of the Mars as fast as possible, without using the Moon as a first destination for any purpose. Exploration would be done in extended sorties, but technology now becomes an enabler, as systems such as nuclear rockets and/or Mars atmospheric aero breaking and aero capture become essential. Again the US is the clear leader of the program among within the international community, and commercial participation is enhancing, probably limited to launch to LEO. The human exploration will be complementary to the robotic exploration of Mars. A sequence of development will be: (to be completed)

Flexible Path is a scenario that allows humans to visit a wide number of planetary bodies and objects, but not go to the surface of those with deep energy wells, including the Moon, Mars and potentially Venus. Other destinations might include the Earth Moon L1 / L2 point, the Earth Sun L1 / L2 point, Near Earth Objects and the moons of Mars. In the case of the larger planets (Moon, Mars, Venus), the humans would remain in orbit, and teleoperate surface robotic vehicles, including rendezvousing with sample returns missions sent from the surface. In the case of smaller objects, the humans would explore the surfaces directly and return samples. As the energy requirements are less demanding, and the role of robotics more integrated, international participation on a more equal footing is possible, as is the more essential involvement of commercial entities. New technology development will be enabling as well. A sequence of development will be: (to be completed)

Exploration Preparation is a scenario to ensure that we have one that will fulfill OSTP guidance of presenting a scenario within the budget constraints. It would consist of continued use of ISS, and an intensive exploration technology program that would develop technologies that in a decade could be used to define a more advanced effort of exploration. Industry would continue to be involved in ISS support, both of cargo and potentially crew. Internationals would be engaged through existing ISS partnerships.