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1st Telecon w/ Cremins
- Participants: (Tom's #'s) Mark Urhan 202.358.1747 Brent (c) 202.615.[[/strikethrough]].6754 [[/strikethrough]] .6672
- Small w/ initial requests (clear?)
- coord w/ other subgroups [verify]
  - cost/schedule of end-of-gap options (Bo's)
  - detailed data/discussion of workforce of industrial base (Les's)
  - New needs/use of iss for beyond Leo (Ed's) (i.e. we'll take human phys; they take radiation + any new tech [[?]] work that their architectures may req
  - coord w/ (Les's) or int'l (we take impl of on ISS, they take lead + on expl)
[Tom--> Ralph + Rads; Bo/Les/Ed]
- mtg w/ sub-group tues evening 
(develop requests)

To get started: [end of wk]
1. study on shuttle extension sent to congress (2012,2015.... 9 May 09)
 + review those again (better/good ideas) comments?
  (we'll ask for specific CBES [[?]]– open to suggestions)
Aerospace 2. Assessment of ISS life/health to 2020 w/ sts ret [[?]] in 2010, 2012, 2015
 [start w/ listing of critical ore's redundacy [[redundancy]] lifetime, etc]
 (specific cases later in ULA 
3. summarize int'l partner agreements on termination

[[left margin]]
Karen Sarstein [[?]] (?) (int'l)
Doug Comstock (comm)
Chris Ferguson
Don Pettit
Ctr Dave Bartine [[?]] (Tech/ksc)
    Dennis... (synthesis, simieg'ig [[?]] @MSFC)
Don Cazini (JPL)

Valador [[?]] (subj matter experts)

2. Ops lifetime promised (official, unofficial)
3. Existing okans for Jim + columbus
4. lifetime

[[left margin]]
capabilities not util.

Transcription Notes:
there were a couple of things I couldn't quite make out. Can someone review my guesses?