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 Delta IV (RS-68 A/B)
 Atlas V (RD-180?)
 RS-68 A/B
 STS workforce transition 
  if extension
 STS contracts (of ext)

Auth (2008)
Congressional Language:
 -close gap
 - ISS--> 2020
 - sci + expl not is competition
 -AMS flight
Note: concern about int'l trust, leadership
 (RSP Olson; Rep Hall's Rep; Sen Nelson)
-Soyuz procures thru 2012 (only)
-no plan to resupply external ORU's
-plans: ATV 1 per yr '10, '11, '12, '13... Flown once
        HTV (jay+) 1 per yr (1st flt 9/09)
60 mt shortfall, .˙. commercial resupply
- req briefing from USA
- req interim briefing from aerospace (on ISS work) (on human-rating elv)
-Les: workforce? Indus. skill base?
 - int'l
- call Gary Pulliam

JSC--> A;tain (delayed)
MSFC--> Areo [[?]] V

note: shuttle flt + demo autonomous docking

[[left margin]]

1st public mtg

Note: need to order ~2 yrs in advance for all, incl Soyuz