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1st Stage Areas - Loc Failure Modes } Good (confidence)
Boeing does Liq 2nd [[down arrow]]
"Who's the real reviewer" [[right arrow]] MSFC # [[?]] "Prime" (designer, thru production drawing)

Brewster [[?]]: STS could continue (not too late); pole = ET (LM or with it) [[down arrow]] Karras
Workers were going to auvtir [[?]] (now...where?)

Budget cuts [[right arrow]] Nec. Replanning (People's time = sched [[?]] )

Issues: Shuttle Extension [[star]] Workforce (focus)
Retention PGM (incentivizing to stay to end) People energized by fit [[?]] rate

ISS OPS Cost [[right arrow]] driven by (1) MOD
by (2) Suffridini's team (Changing req's) [[right arrow]] 1200 Boeing (multiple site)

Talk [[?]] [[underlined]] USA [[underlined]] [[Star]] MOD ops procurement 
= goal + cut ops cost by [[crossed out]] USA [[crossed out]] 50% []
[[underlined]] Plan/Train/Fly [[underlined]]
USA = ops/application of I/F
LM = I/F

ISS [[down arrow]] lunar staging]] as transportation Node
+as part of CX => Might as GOCO [[arrow up]]
                  Space ops + tech
CRS => Need business case
+ need T+C's = Identification Termination (+ liability)

Next Sat [[underlined]] demondstrizd[[?]] 
Orbital Expaces 3/2007 Fuel X/G + RDVZ/DOCK -> [[?]] [[?]]