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Planning Session (Tom, Radz)
• Telecon on Monday 7/13: (~1 PM EDT)
3 ISS Briefings - Human Research
Natn'l Lab
Technology (ESMD)
Also = Plan other inputs for valve proposition
• Telecon on Wed. 7/15 (~1 PM EDT)
Brief on results of SB Ext studies
(John Shannon)
+ Brief by Radz on "ground truth" :
Cost of human expl (SB, + ISS + CX) in more realistic schedule:
(1) SB into FY 11 (6 mo in)
(2) ISS thru 2020, achieving per yr [[arrow down]]
(3)CX, 1/ IOC of FY 17
• Denver = Total annual cost
Get ISS scenario briefs
• Participate in int'l partner briefs in Denver
• Also : Add CX cost / sched NAC to existing NAC part of 7/14
Add Bo's CRB on CX " 8 same telecon
Note: Sched telecon w/ ISS scenario loaders to get plans + direct efforts
Buzz Notes: -"What Can Space PGM Do For America?"
-Needs flexibility + continuity
-Use space PGM to extend INT'L goals
(De-emph, RTN to moon - "help other nations do what we've already done"

Extend STS flexible arch phobos by 2025
CNX arcs 1