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One Scenario: Couple Shuttle Extension with 
Shuttle-Derived HLV
         La Expenses --> KAR      OUTLINE PRESENTATION
        Denver Travel CREATE LIST OF ACTIONS
         Questions for USA         + INFO Covered
Thurs am?Schedule Bullman Presentation [Coord w/Les for
Bo       Tom: Draft of our schedule Public Presentations
           in Denver [Set Aside 2 Hrs
           for Coord on PRESENTATION]
Send Telecon info (mon)
Radz: Fixed no variable cost brief ?
Wed Telecon: (1) 9 PDT (2) Send call-in + Webex
Bullman Rpt to Gary P.
Brent: .ppt Template? 
Phil Bullman?
Radz: 2 Briefs w/ STS Stuff on Wed 
[applies to everything at NASA]
SFS Fly-out/ Extension Scenarios
In 3 Scenarios-view of 
1. issues assoc w/contract
2. effect (if any) on USA Workforce transition
3. Feasibility of safe shuttle ops at reduced rate (2 flts/yr or 1, or "mothball"

Effect of shuttle fly-out on ISS (impact on logistics, processing); any effect on utilization; effect on Hw lifetime (critical ORU's that can't be replaced)
Describe plans for ISS cost reduction 2010-2015; [?] for MGMT Structure