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=> Nothing using Orion can fly before ~9/2017 (3/15 + 18 mo slip + 12 yr design cycle)

Can save .5-1.5 yrs & $3B-$9B over Aerospace est of CX IOC by replacing Ares 1 w/ Delta IV H

- Send ISS scenarios → Matt

✰ Aerospace can help w/budgets for scenario options

✰ Orion not ready until ~9/2016 (then add 1 yr for/if another rocket)

NASA could recompete ET {if STS extended or sidemount} LM could do it cheaper

JSC USA bridge contract STS/ISS → CX, compete is [[complete in/is?]] FY11

KSC different: no bridge competing [[strikethrough]]now[[/strikethrough]] soon <=> KSC could do same thing

Transcription Notes:
im not sure if it keeps saying "STS" or "SB" I think it's STS because throughout the other papers the STS is mentioned IS it FY11 or FYII? At bottom of page, for JSC/KSC section - could both (or either) be competes or completes? E.g. "Completing soon..."