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October 25

Dear folks, 

About the $: I spent $7.20 on 3 tickets: myself and the boys: for the Harvard - Dartmouth game last Sat.  Finances now are just right: after paying my debts & dues I have $5 left, with which I am buying a madrigal book ($1.50) & saving the rest.  I would rather spend my pennies on music than anything else; this is the precious opportunity of a life-time.  I've already (before the $5) bought Bach festival tickets (3 for 1.25, very cheap concerts! & terrific: & Bill may pay for the first).  I want to take Anna to a concert (even if I don't pay) the 13th: the Budapest String Quartet, which is one of the finest: but if she doesn't respond well I won't.  I called her last night; she is thinking of moving her aunt back & out to Newton (I couldn't hear [[strikethrough]] that part [[/strikethrough]] the latter well on phone so I'm not sure): she feels bad that