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Oct 1

Dear folks,

I had a letter ready yesterday and somehow lost it - so perhaps someone else will find & mail it.

I am enclosing the rest of the "Life" sheets Anna gave me.

I was with Mrs Weatherby an hour yesterday. Mr Hunnell (?) was there leaving as I came, and asked to be reminded to you, Dad. She seemed active, learning to drive & going on several trips soon.

My courses are all seeming good. The social relations prof: Aberle: I like : he has charm & keenness: & the subject is a challenge; [[strikethrough]] which [[/strikethrough]] it teaches a technique for exploring cultures, which arises from the exploration of 5 cultures rather than being imposed upon them. Hopi & Navaho are main. A very interesting first book is the autobiography of a Hopi who became "literate." History : Perkins: is dullish, & he isn't brilliant, but not too much reading. The novel: Guérard: is fairly good,  a huge class; he is not so inspiring.