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April 6, 1949

Dear folks,

Mother, I can see you out there washing that car as the Markles parade over to Bobby's folks'.

Last night went playing badminton at Shady Hill school gym with some girls I knew & were dug up (none of us knew but one of them). Barbara Sherman gathered us: she is an ex-WAC who is unattractive [[strikethrough]] in [[/strikethrough]] and extremely well oriented, [[strikethrough]] toward [[/strikethrough]] able to be sympathetic to even a freshman (boy) grouch we had with us last night; she is most judicious, & has a good sense of humor. The game was good [[strikethrough]] but [[/strikethrough]] & filled the exercise gap well. Tho it was played on a supper Bill estimated at 1500 calories (3 pork chops, a biscuit, salad, liver, milk) [[strikethrough]] an [[/strikethrough]] which stretched him out on the couch like a potato. Details about their "pad": Horhé [[strikethrough]] wo [[/strikethrough]] traced his ancestry back to the Cordovas for me (or the Catiphs before them): his name is George Hopkins, he is a [[strikethrough]] ge [[/strikethrough]] archaeology senior at Harvard who lives in Adams house & shares only suppers; he has no girl, is rather reserved, but [[strikethrough]] fe [[/strikethrough]] sense of humor, has a moustache & [[strikethrough]] an almost [[/strikethrough]] a psychological need to eat all day that is making him look like a [[strikethrough]] business [[/strikethrough]] young businessman.  [[strikethrough]] That [[/strikethrough]] The rest sleep there: the Lug (Loyd  Georgeson) & Harry & the Fritzer. We note who is responsible for [[mances??]] [[strikethrough]] but [[/strikethrough]] by Harry's lack of one. This Brookline appt has a large dumpy living room, kitchen, & 2 bedrooms (the Lug sleeps on a couch): poor furnishings, bad paint & paper, heated by gas stove, tiny refrigerator; but large windows. its and the [[?means]] of livings'