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[[strikethrough]] February March [[/strikethrough]]
February 23

Dear folks,

Is Tuesday a national holiday?  I shall know sooner.

Yesterday was most enjoyable.  Juan took me to lunch.  He came over at noon Monday, just after I had eaten: nor could I go out that evening, having a date with Bill; that was a pity; but he went to a party [[strikethrough]] with of [[/strikethrough]] by an Argentinean, Mexican, Uraguyan [[Uruguayan]], & some other he had met, & enjoyed himself.  I hope his plane took off all right.  He seems to have worked hard all his days & seen surrounding values every night.  The Boston Art Museum & Fogg he saw minutely;  Lexington & Concord;  & most else worthwhile, I guess.  Then I trotted over to Bill.  His roommates were off in N.Y.; so we had the "living room" in peace to study, & I [[strikethrough]] got [[/strikethrough]] at least got a lot done: an English critical paper on Donne, [[strikethrough]] the an idea [[/strikethrough]] about half a book of criticism - explanation of Matthew Arnold. We made supper & rubbed clean the tops of things with infectious "bugs".  Then deep concentration till 8:30.  His excellent time sense.  He is surely not one to be reminded of anything; which sometimes is excessive. Then a most enjoyable radio program: did you hear "Town Meeting" on socialized medicine? It was "really terrific", we were roaring throughout. And many good points.  We were then to study, but Beethoven's 2nd followed, so what have you?  We did end by a few more licks of work, & home to bed by 12.  He can do an amazing amount of work in a very short time.  It is somewhat peculiar: we are very much together, & then go off, in such different worlds that we are completely unaware of each other for hours.  So there is not much adjusting to be done, & one is completely oneself.  Driving home quietly in the rain I had the same feeling as