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February 18

Dear folks,

I sent a pretty card to Grandma yesterday. Don't know when I shall be able to get out, tho'. I have a feeling that I shall be behind all term.. not because of the start, but because there is even so much more expected of me in every subject & tutorial; even so much more interesting work than ever before [[strikethrough]] , & [[/strikethrough]] in everything. Also, 3 nights of singing & at least 1 date. Last night Bill took me out after choral; he won't be able to this week-end, having a girl up from Mt. Holyoke, whom he doesn't care for very much. The barmaid very nicely gets me Tom Collinses sans gin, which is delicious lemonade, & charges 10¢: tho' a Tom Callins is 50¢ (and she is not supposed to sell lemonade); beer has little effect on Bill. It was very cold in Cambridge last night, permeating everywhere, dorms included. Bill is curious where you got the idea 1) he had commonsense & 2) he had a soft upbringing. And so somewhat am I. I think much in him is due to not having had a mother for so many years; (so does he). He has always done almost everything compulsorily; [[strikethrough]] for [[/striketrough]] in high school in Baltimore he was manager of the paper, journal, & football team!! He has  worked as counselor in camps, etc: but never really enjoyed anything, always felt he had to do this & that. This limited his capacity for real concentration in college, for comprehensiveness sooner or later reveals itself in lack of real interest. However he is going to "sneak" with me to a jazz concert & Blue Hills (the two things he has most raised eyebrows at in his roommates) some time. I believe I am a very good thing for him!  If people can ever unfold so late in life.  It becomes somewhat tragic that I shall probably flit away, maybe sooner than later; for it is impossible to dissimulate. 

Today is an oral on Hooker's "Ecclesiastical Polity" where my tutor shall discover how dumb I am. He has had much too high notions. 

Glad to hear of Dolores' adventure. I can see still how unbelievable it must seem. Hope it's a real beginning. She is fairly well prepared for boys in a way. 

Love, Doris