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of dredges, the preservation of specimens for anatomical research, the fitting of cabinets, scheme for cataloguing collections and a list of useful books of reference.

Dall (William Healey)

The fate of the Fur Seal.

[Forest and Stream, New York, vol. XXXVII. No. 16, p. 307. Nov. 5, 1891: and the same No. 19 p. 368 Nov. 26, 1891]

Two letters discussing the factors tending to diminish the species and the value of the skins in 1866.

Harris (Gilbert Dennison) U.S. Geol. Survey.

On the confounding of Nassa trivittata Say and Nassa peratta Conv. sp.

[American Geologist, Sept. 1891. pp. 174-176].

The material upon which this