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Dear Dad,
I luckily kept a copy of that list, so here it is:
1. umbrella (dark red)
2. rhyming dictionary (mother's bookcase, bottom shelf-probably)
3. blue rep curtain material- (English trunk)
4. blue material for pillows- cotton, smaller piece & of different material than the rep- (Eng. trunk)
5. blue slacks (newest)- Eng. trunks; Dad, if they aren't there, they are probably in my drawer or in the old closet upstairs; but I think they are in the trunk).
6. brass tray- (sitting up on my dress.)
7. wire basket- like one that holds shoe polish in the closet. Tell me if you can't find one.
8. 2 shoe forms (wire, you know)
9. blue wool- tucked in side of big wooden trunk. Please send it up as soon as you can. I have remade the yellow sweater to the point where I shall use the wool when it arrives. It looks fine now.
We picked, or rather, shook, the rest of the pears today.