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We set the baskets (a full bushel in 2 baskets) outside the cellarway. All of a sudden we heard a scratching on the tree and up tore the squirrel with a huge pear in his mouth! We watched him eat it on the roof; the impudent thing, he only took it for the seeds. You should have been here with your sling-shot.
Speaking of squls [[squirrels]], Aunt Maude told us a pretty good story: Some time ago in the hospital the woman in the next room began screaming for the nurse. The stout Irish lady [[strikethrough]] alle [[/strikethrough]] had no sooner attended to her than Maude let out a shriek. Inflamed Irish entered with "For God's sake, what are you howling for?" There, on the bottom of the bed was a squirrel. "I thought it was a big rat" said she.
The nurse looked about for a weapon to find - a flyswatter. Armed with this she pursued that squuirrel [[squirrel]] over and under beds, downstairs, and finally chased him out the front door. How Maude laughed! 