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Arlington, Va.
5 Aug 1951

Dear Doris:
Dad has been having a conniption  fit ever since he arrived sans typewriter. He figures he must have left it standing out in front of the house in frequent deluges, etc. without your being aware of it there for days. But I guess he left it inside. Anyhow I have pacified him a bit by saying that maybe it can be sent up by two girls at the museum who are coming up to Sharon & Brockton on Friday. They are the misses Todd and Low, who are in the palaeontological dept. I am writing to Julia to ask her if she will ask them if they will mind bringing it along if you can get it down to the museum either Wed or Thurs. I believe they are driving up together. Now you telephone Julia. On Tues & Thurs evenings she is at: [[??]] [[??]] in Georgetown [[??]] P. St NW (something like that) from say 6-8, other times at the U.S.N.M. or [[??]] Club. Get in touch with her at once so as to find out & make due arrangements. Dad can go easily to Sharon to pick up the typewriter if you can get the Sharon (or Brockton) address.
There is so much to do here that I am all [[??]] up over it. We have to clean up & lug over all the old shingles that lie about the old place for one thing. Then the shrubbery & trees have grown alarmingly all about the place. I have been out with the [[??]] and rake half the day. 
Mrs B. has gone- left before we got here, much to Dad's relief. He was worried all the way up for fear she would be waiting to give him a