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January 10
1978-Tuesday - 8º at 6:30. High winds all night to continue today. Sun 720 - 447 
Did fireplace wall of living room - waxing and polishing also did that section of floor
Hobbied in afternoon
High winds continued all day -19º at bedtime
Out only to fill feeders

1979 - Wednesday - 12º at 6:45 - clear, cold day- clouded up in afternoon. We picked up credit card at Sears - didn't know he had left it there - to welding Supplies for bottled gas- bank - Marcus. I watered and rearranged plants (so many, it takes time) Wes cut wood, using gasoline saw. Caught first squirrel in old trap - took him to Canterbury Lane. Hobbies in afternoon. Vera Heligare advised I had been selected as delegate to Annual Meeting Milwaukee June 4-7.

1980 - Thursday 7º at 7 am. Slept late! Another beautiful winter day - cold but sunny - front thermometer showed 40º in sun, Day 7:20 - 4:47.
Cooked casserole for Sunday - cleaned front window inside and out (dry clean outdoors) took roping from front light. I sent Annual Horticulture Report to Zone II Chairman. Wes took exhaust nozzle for his model.

1981 Saturday 8º at 6:30 Light dusting of snow on terrace. Ducks flew in for corn - landing in snow. Finished cleaning house - made hor d'ouvres for party.
Kellers: Foleys, Ross's - Billy Newell - Dan Mclean (Louise working at church), Lucien Hartcorn (- John has flu - their friend cancelled his visit with them) Here at 4:45 - To St Elizabeth Salon at 6 pm for dinner - Fifth Annual - Took Billie home.

1982 Sunday, 9º at 6 am - cold - windy - partly sunny. Plants had a short stay in greenhouse at noon - some cactus plants froze as I left that saucer in greenhouse overnight. To 8 o'clock Mass.
Wes balanced books. Made our check for final pay & meet estimated Federal Tax. To [[? Riderfield]] Cinema to see "Raiders of Lost Ark" - funny crazy
Out only to fill feeders. Warm in den with fire back kitchen cold.

January 11
1978 - Wednesday. 14º at 7AM. Clear. Sun 720 - 448. Beautiful winter day. Cold wind.
Continued work in livingroom. waxed front window wall - polished furniture.
To Ace Hardware. Welding Supply Co on Route 6 - on to Lexington Gardens - bought baskets for plants - chains - [[?]] - Lunch at Diner in [[?town]]. Home to hobby. Transplant Christmas cactus - Worked on "Prune" needlepoint pillow.

1979 - Thursday. 14º at 6AM. Clear. Sun 720/448. Fair sunny winter day. Very cold. 6º at bedtime
Pat here to clean - I worked at Ballard Greenhouse. Then lots of errands - left secretary pillow at Yarnbee for stuffing. Breenette's cheese shop. Grand Central & Stop & Shop - liquor store - home for lunch. Warren Malken here to check grandfather clock - couldn't find anything wrong - oiled it. Hobbies for balance of afternoon.
Squirrels avoiding the trap. No ducks.

1980 - Friday. 28º at 6AM - cloudy - rain started at noon - heavy at night - gale winds in evening.
To Mass - visited Jule afterwards - appraiser had been there day before. 
I shhopped Sylvia Barry. bought grey coat - pink suit and brown pleated skirt - shopped Grand Union & Marcus
Cleaned houose - ironed tablecloth for Sunday lunch.
Six Mallard & domestic whites & Pike [[?]] - lots of cardinals

1981 - Sunday. 0º at 6AM - Sun 7:20-4:48
Bitter cold day - high 14º - luckily sunny & clear - winds diminishing. To 8 o'clock Mass. Gave binoculars to Rosses. Quiet day for me - felt I was fighting a cold. Wes busy in shop. In afternoon I did a little hand sewing.
Mallards flew in for corn in morning - didn't return all day.

1982 - Monday - 1º at 7:15 - not over 13º during day. Sun 7:20-4:48 - didn't melt snow & ice on solar roof but delightful in den at lunch and nap time. Opened sofa bed - discovered potpourri leaves under mattress - they were termites we thought were there at moving time. I worked at Ballard in morning. West worked in shop. Mike said well driller equipment would com in tomorrow. Stevenson Lumber Co man  came to check on ripped weatherstripping in slider.