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January 12

1978 Thursday - 16 degrees at 6AM - clear Sun 7:19-4:49 Another beautiful winter day
Worked on side wall of living room - Wes changed flower baskets in den - changed wire in couple hanging plants for chains. Wes to bank and industrial hardware. I grocery shopped Ridgefield Picked up "Johnston Flood" book. To Mrs Sharp at 5:15 for drink - Sattlers & Dan Macklin there.

1979 - Friday - 9 degrees at 5:45 Breakfast (as usual) before Mass. Sun 7:19/4:49 (change in morning). To Ace Hardware to pick up drill blank for Wes - Grand Union where found sour cherries. Wes spent day in bed as developed cold over night - I took down Christmas decorations in dinning room, crib and banner from living room; cleaned white paint from crib figures (those I had painted) caught 2nd squirrel. I watched episode of "Duchess of Duke Street" We had not seen Sunday.

1980. Saturday - 35 degrees at 6AM. High winds all last night - most of today. To Mass. Cleaned door - set up fire. I shopped for cheese, few groceries & flowers - pate from Elises. Home for lunch - nap - washed salad greens - made carrot salad - arranged flowers for table.
To 5 o'clock Mass

1981 - Monday - 22 degrees below at 6:30 - Our coldest morning to date. Sun 7:19-4:50 - change in morning Cold beautiful day. It was 17 degrees below at Bedtime. [[Bidage?]] day at hobbies. Wes went for wood, and fed birds and ducks.
Barry French phoned. Freemans would sign contract to buy house this week. May want earlier closing than Sept 1st.

1982 - Tuesday 1 degree at 6AM. Sun 7:20-4:48 Fair, sunny. Cold, breezy day - 5 degrees at bedtime - Ice never melted on greenhouse roof although sun was warm. To Mass. Wes had a haircut - Basics was closed until 10 - So we went to Meekers - Danbury Grain - no tree mirror there - bought one at Federal Glass - Too cold to put up - Basics still closed so came on home for lunch. Nap in sunshine in den - Wes repaired our lift-up table. I filled feeders - 2 pairs of Cardinals Hoffman delivered oil

January 13

1978 - Friday - 22 degrees at 6AM. Light snow - continued all day - freezing rain at night. Shoveled terrace twice and Wes plowed driveway.
Took books from living room shelves - cleaned them and waxed shelves, doors, moldings, etc. Looks great. 
Wes hobbied after plowing. I made dip and blueberry pudding for tomorrow's dinner

1979 - Saturday - 24 degrees at 7:30. Overcast - light snow fell during night. Wes' cold better. Sun 7:19/4:50 Icy hail started  about noon - temperature at 32 degrees and held there until midnight. I prepared dinner. Tom Ghee phoned - Catherine had skidded on North Salem Road - their other car in shop - I drove with him to pick her and [[?]] up and bring home. Coggeshalls came at 6:30 (expected them at 5:30) Pleasant evening - they go to Treasure Cay Feb 26th 

1980 - Sunday 12 degrees at 6AM. Partly cloudy - off and on sunny - not bad for winter - happy no bad weather for our luncheon. Wes picked up meat platter from Brunetti's We set tables - arranged house for party. Toni [[T?]] here at 11:30. Eileen and Mary - the Kellers - Tracy's - Hartcorn's and Ross' - good time

1981 - Tuesday - 19 degrees below at 6AM - Sunny bright day. To Mass. Hobbies in morning.
Shopped Basics -  bought buttons for blouse - no luck on the Genie door opener battery or [[?]] for Thermador Glad to get home out of cold winds. We returned
to shop - I made two cakes. Pat Crehan phoned on house sale - set up meeting Thursday.

1982 - Wednesday - 9 degrees at 6:30 - rose to 15 degrees Sun 7:19-4:48. Cloudy - snow flurries at 10AM about 5" at bed time and drifting.
To Basics - bank - Marcus and Post Office - lots of people shopping to beat the storm. Well Driller Everett Pierce brought in the equipment. Hobbies in afternoon. It took Eileen 3 hours to drive home - we had phoned Waddells at 7 pm.
Air Florida plane crashed into bridge in Washington in the snowstorm. Coffee at Basics $2.19 - Cauliflower $2.39 Bananas 4/$1.00.