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January 14

1978 - Saturday - 30 degrees at 6:45.  Trees all covered with ice. Crust supported me on terrace when I put out bread crumbs for the birds .. More sleet predicted - freezing rain part of day. Wes phoned and we shoveled part of terrace - heavy wet - almost ice - terrace froze over again. Prepared for Ross' and Keller here at 6 pm - came thru garage - Pleasant evening

1979 - Sunday - 34 degrees at 7 AM. Foggy - Wes' cold better. Started for 11 o'clock Mass and the car wouldn't start. Airport Texaco came - not the battery - towed to station. Wes rented Malibu for trip to city tomorrow. Wes rested - very gray day until three o'clock when cleared - good to see sun - I cut more branches from Christmas tree & put them over Heather. Five mallards - I put corn on bank - picked up old corn tray.

1980 - Monday - 30 degrees at 6 AM. Damp - cloudy - felt like snow but not cold enough. To Mass. Straightened up house - washed napkins and placemats. To drug store - Wes needed eye lotion so bought supplies for Treasure Cay trip - Lunch - nice long nap. Checked plants under lights in cellar - taxus clippings starting roots. Enjoyed the quiet day.

1981 - Wednesday 5 degrees above at 6:30 - First time over 0 degrees in a few days.  Cloudy - Sun 7:19 - 4:52. High about 25 degrees - felt cold as light snow flurries off and on - no accumulation. Hobbies. Picked up tractor battery from Lon Nargiso - Agway for corn - Bethel Market for oatmeal - stopped at Pawloski Saw Mill re. oak on Bogus property - Marcus 
Carter gave Farewell Speech on T.V. at 9 pm.

1982 - Thursday - 20 degrees at 6 AM. Cloudy - no sun - cold - Five inches of snow  - some drifting Sun 7:19-4:49. Wes shoveled path to road for TR who came about 10 o'clock. Mike plowed the driveway. Wes shoveled walk - I completed it - Wes shoveled deck and I brushed snow from Solar roof - opening window in my shop to do part of it. Hobbies - I finished narrowing neckline of print cotton dress. Nice and warm in our den with a fire.

January 15

1978 - Sunday - 18 degrees at 7 AM - Light snow - Sun 718 - 453 Off and on sunshine and snow flurries. To 930 Mass Planned quiet day - Wes hobbied in basement shop. I washed and ironed last evenings linens - took candle left from diningroo floor - gathered tax checks and wrote letters - no ice melted - high was 22 degrees - out only to fill the feeders.

1979 - Monday - 19 degrees at 6 AM - High wind - full moon - Left at 8:30 in rented Chevrolet Malibu - to Eileen's - left King Tut tickets - down West Side to Hippodrome Garage on 49th Street - checked into Algonquin - Room 507 - shopped Lord & Taylor (robe for my birthday) W & J Sloane - Brooks Bros - no jackets - to Saks Fifth  - Harris tweed jacket for Wes' birthday - walked to 57th Street - coffee at Bonwits - walked to Algonquin - nap - dinner - to "Da" at Monaco - very good show.

1980 - Tuesday - 42 degrees at 6:30 - 17 ducks - including one small one - probably a Teal-Blue or Common Teal - Sun 7:18-4:52.
Good day hobbying - catching up on chores.
Put Garden Club records in order - ironed napkins/mats

1981 - Thursday - 16 degrees at 6 AM. Sun 7:18-4:53. Cloudy - high 28 degrees - almost tropical! To Mass. Wes marked septic system location on house plans and we met Pat Crehan to go over contract for sale. - may sign next week. Shopped Brunetti following - to dump with papers and magazines. Hobbied rest of day - I swept terrace - fed birds & duck - saw 7 deer in hill - mocking bird on back road. 42 Mallards for corn.

1982 - Friday - 15 degrees at 6:30 - Sun 7:19 - 4:50 - Sun was out all day - cold but bright
Shoveled and broomed snow from walks, greenhouse roof and deck. Split wood. Put Lestoil in some grout of kitchen floor - trying to even color.
To Japanese Hibachi Steak House "SHIBUMI" on Route 6 for lunch. Interesting - good steak - scallops - rice - mushrooms.
Purse welldriller raised rig - rather far up on slope toward road.