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January 16

1978 - Monday - 12º at 6:15AM. Clear.No Mass as Father Medynski in Treasure City until 31st. Beautiful (and awful) seeing as sun shined on iced trees. Greenhouse closed for Martin Luther King Day so we went to White Plains - Altman's to look at wool rug sale - didn't like it. Bloomingdale's carry on for Wes and brown sweater for me for birthdays - to Odaka Greenwich to look at Oriental rugs - shopped Agway Vista enroute home - here at 5 pm.

1979 - Tuesday - in NYC - Algonquin - Room 502. Good breakfast - walked to Grand Central to wait for Eileen, Joan and Paul - we took subway to Metropolitan Museum for King Tutankhamun show - Wes took bus to Dr Regan for eye exam - good - he joined us at Museum for lunch there. Girls went to World Trade - we bussed downtown - checked out of hotel - picking up car - to Airport Texaco to pick up our car - home at 4 pm.
Bird feeder almost empty - Pleasant 2 days in city.

1980 - Wednesday - 26º at 6:30 - Fair beautiful winter day - high 50 on front terrace.
We hobbied - brought up wood.
Sandy Cowan here at 10 to go over [[? Nortcaulhue]] for Garden Club - she will be Vice Chairman
Shopped before lunch for Wes' blood pressure pill, stamps - bank No more midflower leaves at Penny's - was going to give them as prize for paper white challenge class

1981 - Friday - 20º at 6:15. Sun 7:18 - 4:54.
Cloudy - snow flurries - about an inch - Wes plowed - the old battery [[?]] over the tractor motor as temperature was 26º Wes  went for [[?]] and to Marcus.
I transplanted [[?]] (3 plants) softwood cuttings made in August. Hobbied in afternoon.

1982 - Saturday - 11º at 6:30 Sun 7:19 - 4:52
Out to shovel walk  deck. Solar roof fill bird feeders, [[?]] sliders are done & look good.
I waxed livingroom floor- cut out cotton print blouse for summer gardening.
Wes worked in shop.

January 17
Saw Robin in Sargent Garb
1978 - Tuesday - 20º at 6:30. Cloudy, Sun 7:17 - 4:55.
Hobbied most of day - snowed most of day - Wes plowed at 5 pm & I tried to shovel terrace -not much luck - new snow very light but ice underneath made it difficult. I finished "Prime" pillow - never again! Repaired bathroom curtain - looks much better - Icy rain during night. Wes fell on driveway - hurt back of head.

1979 - Wednesday - 10º at 7 AM - cloudy - snow before noon - about 4" before nightfall - Wes plowed and shoveled terrace in late afternoon. Cold all day. Caught the third squirrel before snow started - then took in taps.
Did a wash - I phoned people to come for cocktails on 26th. Started sending checks for tax purposes. My back (muscular) better - I'm taking it easy.

1980 - Thursday - 25º at 6:15 - Mostly cloudy day - high about 38º. More Mallards coming for corn.
To Ballard Greenhouse - Wes left me there to work an hour. He went to Walpole for a rail and pickets for wood piece broken by falling [[?]] - to library made copies for Garden Club - liquor & sewing supplies at Calder. Home for lunch - Nap - hobbies. Sorted checks for taxes.

1981 - Saturday - 14º at 6 AM. Watched over 100 Mallards fly in - Wes had put out corn late last night but of course not enough for that number.
Sun 7:17 - 4:55. Sunny early morning - partly cloudy afternoon. Wes drove me to Rest Stop - exit one on 54 where met Eileen -she was taking Buttons to Glastonbury for week while she is in New Orleans/Miami Home for lunch with Wes who had worked in shop. Looked at pictures in family box.

1982 - Sunday. 0º at 6 AM - minus 3º at 7:15. Sun 7:17 - 4:55. Sunny, very cold. winter day. To 8 o'clock Mass. Read papers in den - sun on my back was so warm. Wes in his shop. To Tracy's at 12:30 for cocktail - home at 3:15. lots of people there. Only about 3º in afternoon fall to minus 3 at bedtime.