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January 18

1978 - Wednesday - 32 degrees at 7 AM. Cloudy. Flower arranging workshop cancelled account weather. - Sun 717-456. Put Liquid Gold on most of kitchen cabinets. Made French Bread - very good crust - a little too much salt. Wes plowed driveway - heavy wet snow & ice. Hobbies in afternoon. To Marcus before 5 pm for butter - roads bumpy. Beautiful suuset.

1979 - Thursday - 26 degrees at 6 AM Sun 717/456 Very high winds - temperature fell during day - 4 degrees at bedtime. Snowing lightly - Pat phoned - not coming as roads slippery in Bethel. I went to Greenhouse - found it locked until 10:30 - shopped - back to Greenhouse to work for hour - haircut - home. Wes had cleaned driveway and worked in shop. We counted number of tree limbs to be cut as Wright had phoned would come soon.

1980 - Friday - 32 degrees at 6 AM - Sun 7:17-4:55 Mostly cloudy - pale sunshine at times. To Mass. 
Wes repaired road fence. I washed - wrote letters - thanked Joan for 2 Spode buttercup cups she bought in Canada. Sewed brown/pink blouse - made good progress. Wes hobbied in afternoon
Gave set four keys to Ghee's - arranged for Alex to feed birds in February.

1981 - Sunday - 2 degrees at 6 AM. Cold and dreary - good to be in. To 8 o'clock Mass. Some sun in afternoon. Sun 7:17-4:56.
Few house chores and hobbies. Fed birds and ducks - Many fly in at breakfast time.
Waiting for word on release of hostages.

1982 - Monday - Minus 4 degrees at 7 AM - Cloudy. Sun 7:17-4:56. Record lows around country Snow flurries in morning - partly cloudy afternoon but not over 11 degrees. We went to Bethel for thistle seed shopped Finast - Oatmeal 79 cents instead of 89 cents at Basics - also Basics for fruit and vegetables.
Home for hobbies in afternoon. Pierce welldriller here from 2:30 to 5 pm, banging away - told Wes he was afraid his tools would break in the cold. Eileen couldn't get to work - car broke down.

January 19

1978 - Thursday - 14 degrees at 6:30 - clear - Beautiful sunrise became cloudy late in afternoon.
We continued cleaning kitchen cabinets - did upper board - Wes sanded spill marks on stove cabinets - look great. At 12:15 Dan Macklin picked us up - we had a drink at his house - he showed me around it - to Arthur Treacher's Fish & Chips for lunch - hobbied rest of afternoon - I washed & ironed pillow cover (crewel). Watched P. Carter State of Union

1979 - Friday - 0 degrees at 6 AM - Sunny, but very cold day Sun 716-457. To Stop & Shop (graham crackers) Caldor to buy larger floor mats for Wes' cellar & front door - family group photo was ready for pickup at Frame & Art - bought sand for walk and bar glasses at Hardware Store. Home for hobbies in afternoon.
Cold water in laundry frozen all day - drained out hot water at night as 0 degrees again at bed time

1980 - Saturday - 36 degrees at 6 AM. Very dark - Partly cloudy - some sun off and on. To Mass.
Hobbies in morning. I finished print blouse - shortened bluejeans.
To Shields Hall - meeting North Ridgefield Homeowners Assoc Montgomery - Church Corporate/Townhouse development along G Washington Hwy - they go for amendment to Zoning to allow townhouses.

1981 - Monday - 30 degrees at 6:15- Tropical! Sun 716-458 High in 40's - 42 degrees probably - January thaw? Hostage release held up by Iranian objection. To get car washed - looked at plumbing fixtures - bought bird food - ate sandwich in small Bethel restaurant. Home for nap and hobbies. Three mallards came in at dusk - stayed on corn tray - we could no longer see them in dark - most unusual.

1982 - Tuesday - 3 degrees at 6 AM. Sun 7:16-4:57.
To Mass. Hazy - wintry sunshine - high 23 degrees.
Split - hung little birdfeeder - gift of Agway - at the kitchen window.
Wes in shop - I sewed print cotton blouse.
Will Diller worked 12:30-5 pm.
I made crepes for dinner.