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January 22

1978 - Sunday - 1º at 6:30. Clear sunny day. Sun 7:15- 5:01. To 9:30 Mass - Father Grimes. Wes shoveled terrace - didn't use dark glasses and ended seeing everything pink. He worked in shop all day. I tried to clean off front steps - too icy. Cut out brown twill skirt - combining two patterns - hope for the best! To Alex & Helen's at 6 pm for dinner. Alex gave us ride as their driveway difficult in snow.

1979 - Monday - 32º at 6 AM - Cloudy - Pod back in banks. Sun 7:15/5 pm - noticeably lighter at night. Wright Tree Co. called before 7 AM - Here at 8 - raised trees at terrace - old apple back of bedroom - our utility trees - around driveway - Wes carried burnable logs to shed - I cleaned refrigerator - polished silverfive living room lamps- made soup - washed new bathroom curtains - Wes had a little time to hobby in afternoon. Weather cleared in afternoon -just over freezing all day

1980 - Tuesday - 25º at 6 AM - cloudy, gloomy day - few snow flurries in afternoon.
Prepared for Garden Club meeting - won third for paperwhites -first for herbs - nothing for hall arrangements. Billie Newell guest for lunch at Elm - picked up Helen - meeting at Louise Willets - Talk on Solar Energy. Returned with Helen & Ruth to Ruth's for drink. Alex brought Wes. Wes had worked in shop. Home at 7:30 for dinner

1981 - Thursday - 8º at 6 AM. Partly cloudy/sunny Very damp. To 7:30 Mass - we were the only ones there. To Ballard Recreation Center - John Oliver slides and talk on low maintenance perennials. Lunch with Helen & Alex at [[?]] Mariner. Home for nap after buying Wes sweater and slacks for his birthday. Pat Crehair phoned Freeman signed contract to buy house. To Maunious house to see skylight and [[? sedueg]].

1982 - Friday - 2º at 6:30 - Fair - sliver of moon over Southeast. Sun 7:15 - 5:01. High 23º for day - I went with Gizella to Ballard Workshop on Perennials - then to Brunetti's for suet - left priest of House Blessing" picture taken by Alex for copies - to J & R Interiors to order pillows for dinette chairs. Wes split wood - worked in shop - had coffee with Everett Pierce, the Well driller. I checked plants on top of hill - no deer damage. Hand sewed - Read papers - Lunch was lovely in the deer in  sunshine

January 23

1978 - Monday - 2º at 7 AM - Clear - Sunny day but cold - high 26º so not much melting - to bank to arrange transfer from savings to checking account to pay for [[?]].
Wes drove me to Ballard Greenhouse & picked me up at noon. We shopped Stop & Shop (Iceberg lettuce 79₵! - all fresh produce very high) Alex came to take pictures of snow scenes and house. Wes had only an hour in shop. We had waxed the kitchen panel wall. 2º at bedtime.

1979 - Tuesday - 21º at 6:45 - Clear, sunny beautiful day - Sun 7:14 - 5:02.
Wes took down Christmas greens from diningroom windows, entrances. We chipped ice from terrace and late in afternoon cleared barn driveway.
Wes drove me to Louise Metton's at 11:30 - from there she picked up Helen and on To Edith Mfley's for Garden Club meeting - won first in Houseplants Foliage for Joy [[?]]. Wes went to White Plans for Mrs Mead's wake at 11:30 (Service not wake)

1980 - Wednesday - 31º at 6 AM - Partly cloudy morning became mostly fair - high wind at night, temperatures dropping. 7:14 - 5:01 Ducks came for corn.
Took down roping all big windows - left up wreaths
To Agway for corn and bird food - Texaco pump in Bethel preparing for "Gasohol" - not in tank yet - 1 - 2 gal Regular cost 1.18. To bank & Marcus - home to set out clothes for trip for shopping tomorrow.

1981 - Friday - 28º at 6:15. Cloudy. Sun 7:14 - 5:04
Gasoline now 1.31/gal. To Crehau's office at 9 o'clock to sign house sale contract - to Wilton Umberto Tailor to make sure of English material and lengthen tweed coat- to Norwall to see the English Greenhouse
Came home via Indian Lane area. Lunch & nap.
To bank to deposit house deposit and pay off note on Bogas land purchase - Agway & Basics. Eileen phoned from Miami - returning late tonight.

1982 - Saturday - 10º at 6:30 and snowing -none much accumulating overnight - five before it stopped after lunch and became rain - luckily temperature rose to 34º. Waxed back door inn den - showed all cracks showing in shrunken panels in door on fist floor. Wes shoveled front path and driveway. Pushed snow from solar roof. Wes in shop. I made button--holes in cotton shirt. To Ruth Sharp's at five - had trouble with car, kept stalling - probably snow in tailpipe - returned to garage - engine picked up and we made it. Saw Nancy Carroll's [[? tulip]] pictures