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January 26

[[strikethrough]] Wednesday [[/strikethrough]] Thursday - 54 degrees at 7 AM - Very high wind.
1978 [[strikethrough]] Tuesday - Minus 6 at 7 AM. Clear - Laundry cold water froze again [[/strikethrough]]
Ohio area having blizzard - we are on fringes - Rain all night - flooding below dam - Not all melted. Sent 712-506 - Started to clear at 8:30. Water rose over road - barricades set 10/3 pm. We shopped Danbury & Bethel before lunch - lots of potholes & water. I went for haircut at 3:30 - bought more Quiana at Sew & Sew enroute.

1979 - Friday - 34 degrees at 6:45 - cloudy - Cocktail Party Day! Sun 7:12-5:05. Prepared house for party - laid fire - rearranged furniture - Pinchbeck delivered flowers at noon - arranged three containers - lilies in hall delft - tulips, anemones on diningroom table. Polly & Jimmy Tonelli here at 4:PM guests at 5:15 - Rosses - Kellers - Father McCormack - Ruth Shays - Nancy Carrol Draper - Ellise Stoddards - May Luke - Father Tighe - Hartcorns. Successful party. Last guests left at 9:45. Alex brought his latest picture to hang over livingroom fireplace - added quite a touch.

1980 - Saturday - 19 degrees at 5:45 - Mostly clear cold day - windy. To Mass.
Prepared for dinner - cleaned house - set table etc. 
Vargas, Castles and Jule here at 5:30. Pleasant evening - first time Jule would come since Mary's death. She thinks house is sold.
Olympic Committee voted not to go to Moscow.

1981 - Monday - 30 degrees at 6:30. Watched beautiful display of flying Mallards at breakfast time. Lovely sunrise - that was best part of day - Mostly cloudy balance. Wes had shop hours. Lunch with Jule and Gizella at Ellie's Place. 
Carol Coggeshall phoned Herb Dienst has leukemia - we called them. Brought up wood - swept terrace - chipped ice from gutter over front door.

1982 - Tuesday - 4 degrees at 6:30. Sun 7:12-5:06 Fair, sunny, cold. Bad sleeping for me account back muscle pain. Spent day on sofa with heating pad. Didn't go to Mass - luncheon or garden club. Wes worked in shop - split wood - made coffee for Everett Pierce, well driller - who is now below 40 feet - did 10 yesterday so making better progress now.

January 27

1978 - Friday - 18 degrees at 6:30 - Snow Flurries. Sun 711-507 Cold windy day - brushes off snow (better than 1/2 inch) late in afternoon.
Wes got haircut - went to shoemaker - Grand Union for Liquid Gold - I tried cleaning more kitchen cabinets but cant get any more marks off. We waxes & polished Grandfather clock case (works being out) Saw 3 Robins in Sargeant [[strikethrough]] Junip [[/strikethrough]] crab. Hobbies in afternoon. 

1979 - Saturday - 32 degrees at 6 AM. Watched raccoon eat corn at breakfast time. Beautiful day. Sunrise 7:11 To Ridgefield to shop Grancentral (Hellman's 99 cents coupon; Maxwell Coffee $1.99 no coupon - Graham crackers 89 cents). Picked up [[S?]] pillow and Garden Encyclopedia and new Bush-Brown.
Home for lunch - lovely quiet day - hobbies - I finished applique skirt.

1980 - Sunday - 8 degrees at 6:45 - Clear. Slept late - had to rush breakfast before 8 AM Mass - turned out Father McBride was late - Josephine & Fred Robinson there.
To Eileen's at 10:15 - had visit with her then on to Bronxville - Mary had a birthday party for us. Erma Donellan was there.
Home at 5:30 - lovely day.

1981 - Tuesday - 33 degrees at 6 AM - Mostly cloudy some sunshine in afternoon. To Mass. Shop hour. I made an "all greens" arrangement to take to Garden Club. Watched voluntary interview of hostages on TV from West Point at 9 AM. Early lunch. I went to meeting at Patty Stichnoth's at 2 pm - picked up Helen. Repaired silver teapot looks beautiful. Wes worked all afternoon with Mike Mannion on house plans.

1982 - Wednesday - 1 degree at 7:15 - Slept late. Had better night with my back by not moving in bed, but still bad at times. Sun 7:11-5:07. We get the sun about 20 minutes after official rise. Sunny day, cold - not over 22 degrees but not as windy. I rested my back muscle - read - wrote Bit Wes went to Basics and bank - split wood - had coffee with Everett Pierce - worked in shop. Well is now at 50 feet.