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January 30

1978 - Monday. 3° at 6:30 - Fair. Sun 7:08 - 5:11. To Greenhouse 9:30 - 11:30 - Picked up Helen 
Wes waxed first wall in den - looks marvelous.
Hobbies in afternoon

1979 - Tuesday - 31° at 7AM. Sun 7:09 - 5:10.
Wes had a haircut. We left secretary pillow at Yarnbe to change ties - on to New Canaan - to Hilbert Bros and Silk Purse looking for living room server - none - to Country Design - they will come Monday next to look at living room - on to Pound Ridge - stopped at Roberts, Scotts Corners - beautiful furniture, took measurements of oak servers - on to Blue Heron - Carol Coggeshall not home - home for nap & hobbies - had eaten lunch in Pound Ridge Park.

1980 - Wednesday - 12° at 7 AM - Slept late - Cold fair windy day.
Wes made suet holder using 1/2 inch hardware cloth. I wrote Joan and Auntie Quarmby - answered her letter - she was in hospital over Christmas. Worked on vegetable order. Cleaned up cellar greenhouses - rearranged plants there.

1981 - Friday - 7° at 6:30 - Slept late. Watched 3 pheasants across dam eating under pines & spruces. Got up too late to see Mallards come to corn! Wes had shop hours - I did chores for party tomorrow. 
Watched Ticker Tape Friday - parade in NYC for 22 of the former hostages.

1982 - Saturday - 10° at 7 AM. Sun 7:08 - 5:11. Some clouds made a beautiful sunrise. Mostly cloudy day - high 38°. - some light sprinkles in evening. Quiet day of hobbies and chores. Wes cleaned his domain. I washed my hair - big event since my pulled muscle - put paperwhites in compost - next year will have more pots - not as many bulbs in each! To Rosses at 6:30 for dinner - Al and Jeanne Timpanelli there.

January 31

1978 - Tuesday - Minus 3 at 6 AM - Fair & cold all day. 
I picked up Helen at 9 o'clock and we drove to Sally Moss' house, 232 Peaceable, for flower arranging workshop - about 12 Garden Club members - after Sally's talk we arranged leaves & flowers. Home at 1:30. Wes had waxed the fireplace wall of the den & polished the lamps. After lunch he worked in shop. I worked on vacation arrangements - called Nobel Seiorce re Callaway Gardens.

1979 - Wednesday - 24° at 6:45. Fair - beautiful winter day. Sun 7:08/5:11. Relocated 5th squirrel. Finished vegetable seed orders - sent them off - Worked on tax - still need Texaco Other Income form. Wes took 2 old lawnboys and Jacobsen tire to Nutmeg. Hung new birdfeeder in maple tree (trolley well) Squirrel had knocked it out of dogwood. Hobbies in afternoon. Enjoyed "Edward the King" at 8 pm:

1980 - Thursday - 12° at 6 AM. - Cloudy morning - Snow predicted - none came. Cleared in afternoon - Cold and windy
Quiet day of hobbies (for Wes - I have nothing to sew) and mending - washing - ironing day for me. Sewed on buttons - shortened sleeves Wes brown Quiana Shirt
Bet & Mike arrived at Eileen's at 5 o'clock - visiting for a couple days to see Antiques Show.

1981 - Saturday - 4° at 6:30. 3 ducks at the corn. More later, but not many - their habits do vary! Worked for party at night - Wes went to Marcus for dairy supplies and to bank. Sunny, cold day. Guests here at 5:e0 - Arch and Vivien - Tibor and Gizella - [[strikethrough]] Walter [[/strikethrough]] Mel and [[strikethrough]] Nancy [[/strikethrough]] Morris - Walter and Lucille [[H?]]. Pleasant evening.

1982 - Sunday - 36° at 6 AM - Sun 7:07-5:10. To 8 o'clock mass. Temperature remained constant - 38° high - 36° at bedtime. Light rain part of day. Prepared for visit of Anne and Frank Tracy - here at noon Frank wanted to sit in Honda as they are looking for a new car - Honda too small for his long legs. Had nice visit - made quiche & fruit and cookies. Read papers - enjoyed "Flame Trees of Thika" on Channel 13.