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February 3

1978 - Friday - Minus 2° at 6am. Breakfast  before Mass. (Father Thedyriski[[?]] back from Treasure Cay) Sun 7:04-5:15. Cold - sunny day.
Cleaned House - We took down Christmas greens at [[?]] post - big windows and over front door. To Ridgefield (water line coming past Wooster School delays driving that direction) Picked up Alex print at Frame Shop "Moon Glow at Dawn" hung it over bed. [[?]], Mrs Sharp, Billie Howell and Dan Machlui [[?]] Rue for cocktails at 5:30pm.

1979 - Saturday - 14° at 6:30. Clear. Cold Sun 7:05-5:15 - sun not quite over the edge of the mountain as it drops in the west.
Picking up repaired tire of Jacobieu [[?]] and 2 proceed Lawnboy from nutmeg. Power equipment: Mailed tax date to George Serawcheck [[?]] 
Hobbies balance of day.

1980 - Sunday - 12° at 7am - Fair - cold - windy day. Sun 4:05 - 5:15 - noticeably lighter in afternoon Desk work - paid bills - contributions. balanced checkbook. I [[?]] herbs in plastic containers - coffee took the three Christmas  wreaths down - cut off pine cones - Took bag of sunflower seed to Ghee's. To Vargas' at 5 for cocktails - we showed Billie [[?]] the way Ross'[[?]] - We had dinner with them afterwards - Father Tighe [[?]] came.  

1981 - Tuesday - 20 [degree symbol] at 6:30. Slept late - Cold very windy day. back into the Arctic air 
Washed big tablecloth and the 10 napkins - ironed them - cut out cotton blouse - 
[[?]] worked in shop. Drew part of house plan cutting one foot from bedroom/family room area

1982 - Wednesday - 32 [degree symbol] at 6:30. Rousing Sun 7:04 - 5:16 - didn't see it today - light rain day.
We worked in shop. Did wash - made Struedel - worked    a little on tax records - did crossword puzzle - awful - To Gizella and [[?]] at 6pm for dinner. Home at 9:30 to watch Bette Davis.

1978 - Saturday - 4 [degree symbol] at 6am - Sun 7:02 - 5:17 Fair day very cold not over 14 [degree symbol] - zero at bedtime [[?]] warning trying to open water pipes in laundry - Carried hot water from kitchen to do a laundry - finally freed water at noon. Put contact paper on back of Grandfather Clock. We had a good day in shop making screws. I remade front of grey flannel [[?]] skirt wore it into [[?]] and Jule's at 5:30 - alternator of car broke - Jule picked us up. 

1979. Sunday - 12 [degree symbol] at 7:30. Slept late! Partly cloudy - became sunny before leaving for 9:30 Mass. Last Sunday Father Grimes will be with us. Checked the Ross' house - all in order. Read paper. We wrote Betty [[?]] on the [[?]]. Hobbie in afternoon.

1980 - Monday. 6 [degree symbol] at 6am - Fair. Cold day. not as windy. Hoffman delivered fuel oil 295 gals. @89𝇍. Prepared for trip tomorrow - locked garage windows - made paper curtains for them - did wash - rearranged plants - packed. Showed Catherine Ghee how to use house keys - Wes went to bank for Travellers checks - bought shoe polish - clear - this'll seed. Talk by Dr Hammer at 8/spoke on Shroud of Turin.

1981 - Wednesday - 10° at 6:30 - Very cold, windy mostly sunny day. We had hobby hours - out to split wood - feed ducks and birds. I went to Topiary Workshop at Ballard 9-12 - brought home another [[?]] ring and a small rose[[?]] standard. Sewed in afternoon on cotton print blouse. Sun is over mountain.

1982 - Thursday - 44° at 6am - Sun 7:03 - 5:17 Partly sunny day - afternoon was beautiful and milder - 42°. To Mass. Said goodbye to Rosses who are leaving for Arizona Saturday - back March 1st. Alice Castle picked up Gizella and me and we went to Ballard Workshop - Michael Dodge of W77 on Woodland Gardens - very enjoyable Wes worked in shop all morning after lunch took lights from Christmas time on deck - cut up branches to cover bulbs and plants chipped ice in road. Put up mirror in the tree. I finished Harris and Park seed order.