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February 5

1978 - Sunday - Minus 11º at 7 AM. Clear. Had heater in laundry overnight - hot water free but not cold - Dorothy Stark too us to 9:30 Mass. Couldn't locate a mechanic so have to wait for car repair. Wes found belt of alternator drive in car. Wes balanced books. I copied tax date for George Crawcheck. Had first fire in Texas Fireframe  - a success.

1979 - Monday - 14º at 6:30. Clear- very cold - very windy day.
Mailed lettes - Wes then worked in shop. Country Design ladies Mrs Sigg and Mrs Griffin here at noon to give suggestions for livingroom - not really anything different than we ourselves worked out, except to move Metropolitan Museum present.Hobbied in afternoon. Helen Hanley Lawbeit phoned at night that Aunt Cele had died in Florida.

1980. Tuesday - 12º at 6:30 - Fair. good traveling day. Took car key and garage opener to Gizela - also Apple Blossom amaryllis. Jule picked us up at North White Plains as car inoperable. Grand Central about 1 pm - checked bags - oyster stew in Oyster Bar - [[?]to East Side Terminal & changed limousine for JFK - country bus to Helton - nice room - beautiful [[?]] - dinner & bed.

1981 - Thursday 3º at 6:30. Clear, cold, high winds - a very cold day - nice and sunny thank God. No Mass as Fathr away.
Wes in shop - I finished cotton print blouse
To Helen and  Alex for ab 6 pm - they had birthday dinner for us. Told us son [[strikethrough]] Bob [[/strikethough]] Allan and Pam breaking up marriage. Also endy and Bob. Very sad. We sympathized  [[?]] never.

1982 - Friday - 20º at 7 AM - Clear - Sun 7:02/5:18
Gloomy, damp, cloudy day - felt like snow - temperature 33º Hobbies and house chores in morning. After lunch had haircut - shopped Grand Central - Maxwell coffee was $1.99 with coupon - bananas are 39₵ - Tropicana 12 oz orange juice 1.29 - didn't buy it. Home - we Wes raised tree mirror - and attached it permanently - We could see UPS truck come in our driveway Did some tax record work.

February 6

1978 - Monday - 18º at 6 AM - snowing. Sun 7:01 - 5:19.
Blizzard-like conditions all day. Luckily Wes started car before 8 o'clock and had the broken belt off the alternator replaced. Waxed last wall of den. I shoveled path to bird feeders twice - filled in quickly. Filled tray outside kitchen by opening window. Wes phoned at four o'clock - downdraft caused smoke in den from our evening fire.

1979 - Tuesday - 10º at 6:30 - Fair, cold day. continued high winds. To Meekers for thistle seed, perlite, and a wrench (Jacobsen wheel) Feusit and Grand Union and Marcus. Warren Malken checked Grandfather clock - fixed hands - coulldn't find reason for stoppage of hour striker. 3 Geranium seeds up & put in single pots.
M Q & Julienot coing for dinner - Mary getting over high fever of yesterday. Hobbies rest of day.

1980 - Wednesday - awoke i Hilton - JFK - fair day - good breeze. But not too cold for our traveling clothes. Breakfast, then courtesy bus to National for 10 AM flight to West Pohu - lunch on plane -arrived before 1 pm - to Mackey to barn we weren't listed on 3 pm flight but luckily there was room - also learned Mackey landed Marsh Harbour not [[? Treanire Cay - a 50 tax: ride - split with Peggy Bam of Pelham N.Y. staying in Bull apartment at Mariner's Cove.

1981 - Friday - 10 º at 6:30. Cloudy - Sun 7:00 - 5:20.
Hobby home. Then shopping at Basic and for gasoline -car and can 41.50 a gallon. after lunch to Bogus Road - Conroys there cutting trees - second day of clearing. We packed up wood for our fireplace. Home to fill feeders - feed ducks - another hobby hour.

1982 - Saturday - 34º at 6:30 - Sun 7:01 - 5:19
Didn't see sun until a lovely sunset - didn't help the Solar a all.
Chores and hobbies - I continued on tax records - sewed buttons on new cotton print blouse.
Varga picked us up at 5:30 - dinner at Haucheer's home at 11:30