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February 7

1978 - Tuesday - 22° at 6:30. Light snow and blowing. Thank God electricity hasn't gone off. Sun 7 o'clock - 5:20. Snow became heavier - another day like yesterday. At least 15" in all. Wes plowed - brought up wood (dug out to barn) After lunch we shoveled terrace and to bird feeders at side. Fed birds thru kitchen window in morning. I waxed bathroom window and door frame. Eileen home - businesses & schools closed. 

1979 - Wednesday - 16° at 7 AM - Cloudy - snow predicted Sun 7 AM/5:20. To Ridgefield to pick up Secretary chair pillow - now looks beautiful. Also bought liquor, bananas and needlepoint Mallard doorstop to work. Snow started about 10 o'clock - Wes plowed 4" from driveway at 5 pm. Hobbies in afternoon. Five pairs of cardinals under feeders  - birds feeding for storm.

1980 - Thursday. Treasure Cay. Fair beautiful day. Wind came up in afternoon. We shopped for groceries and liquor - making numerous trips. Place looks in good shape - new buildings going up. Walked beach in afternoon - loaded with seaweed. Wes met Joan & Hooker at 5 pm at bump in roads! Cocktails - dinner in - bed.

1981 - Saturday - 10° at 6:45 - Slept late- felt good. Sun 7:06 - 5:21 - Sun over mountain - sunny, cold day - high went to 40°. Met Mike Mannion at Bogus 9 AM - walked over ground - used divining rod. Discussed house plan - decided on 8 X 10 greenhouse leanto - big oak tree is down - brought home trunk full of wood.  Made appointment next Tuesday with kitchen man. Tried dining room table on Tabriz rug looks good.

1982 - Sunday - 15° at 6:30 - Clear - Sun 7:00 - 5:21 Beautiful sunny day - breezy and not warm, but plants spent most of day in solar.

To 8 o'clock Mass. To The Inn at 11:30 - had Billie, Mary Luke and Sattlers as guests for luncheon. Billie and Mark came back for brandy. Millie not well. John and Lucienne Hartcorn stopped by for a few moments at 4 o'clock. We had a late nap.

February 8

1978 - Ash Wednesday - 14° at 6 AM - Fair. Sun 6:59-5:22. To 7:30 Mass - very few cars on road - Conn. has snow emergency until noon - McKeons - Pikes only others there. To Marcus for mil. Wes broke thru snow to empty compost. Except for keeping bird feeders filled - put car on driveway in sun to melt snow on tires - spent day hobbying.

1979 - Thursday - 16° at 5:45 - Fair - cold, beautiful winter day. About 8" of snow in all - Wes plowed driveway and shoveled terrace. Pat didn't come account snow. I brushed snow from arborvitae and taxus on terrace - used pole to knock it from gutters. Looked up records on dam - Wes phoned Gillotti I located bills and checks for storm doors and windows. Went with Jule to Bethel Fish Market and Emily's cheese shop. Hobbies rest of day.

1980 - Friday - Treasure Cay - Joan and I were sick - Wes & Hooker fine and they ate same food. Joan I had same symptoms, and spent most of day in bed - kept down orange juice mid-afternoon and then got up to join Wes & Hooker on terrace - they had drinks. They had walked all around marina and beach - cold wind. Joan, Hooker & Wes went to managers cocktail party and dinner at hotel - I didn't feel up to it.

1981 - Sunday - 32° at 6 AM - Raining - light until noon - Sun to 2:30 - then light rain again. A little slippery when we went to Mass at 8 o'clock. Few chores and hobbies - then to pick up Billie at 12:30 and on to Tracy's for Frank's 50th Birthday celebration (actually 6th) Home at 3 pm for nap - looked over St. Charles kitchen folders.

Lots of ducks in morning rain.

1982 - Monday - 23° at 6 AM - Sun 6:59-5:22
Beautiful winter day - sunny - put plants in solar Temperature 75° when we had lunch there.

Wes took Honda to body shop - rented a Ford Escort - not a bad little car. To Ridgefield as we are out of suet - Brunetti's for that and meat - liquor and bananas and vegetables at Stop & Shop. Home for lunch & nap. Wes in shop - I continued with tax work - Everett Pierce says well now at 105 feet